Post-Graduate Partnerships
Post-graduate partnerships at Washington College.
Browse Our Post-Graduate Partnerships.
Washington College partners with top graduate institutions.
Athletic Training
Partnership with Bridgewater College Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT)
Students interested in pursuing a career in Athletic Training may streamline their
career training by matriculating from Washington College to the Bridgewater College,
Master of Science in Athletic Training Program (MSAT). Students interested in Bridgewater’s
MSAT program can choose any major at Washington College provided they complete the
proper prerequisite courses. Students interested in the program may apply via Bridgewater’s
Early Acceptance Option as a junior or via the Guaranteed Consideration Option as
a senior. To be considered for admission, students must maintain a cumulative grade-point
average of at least 2.7 and earn a grade of “C” or better in the required prerequisite
Contact: Mindy Reynolds, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Chair Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Post-Graduate Partnerships Advisor, mreynolds2@washcoll.edu
Partnership with Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., Biomedical
Graduate Education
Washington College students who are interested in pursuing a master’s degree in a
range of biomedical science and research disciplines can take advantage of a partnership
with Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., which enables qualified
WC graduates to receive a partial percent tuition discount for any master’s programs
offered through Biomedical Graduate Education (excluding online programs). These programs
are attractive for students seeking a career in health-related and biomedical science
and research or the science and technology side of emerging social health issues.
There is a wide offering of master’s programs available, ranging from Biotechnology
to Integrative Neuroscience. Programs focused on areas related to the basic sciences
and for students interested in pursuing medical school include Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology, Microbiology & Immunology, Pharmacology, Physiology, the Special Master’s
in Physiology, and Tumor Biology
Learn more details
Business Management
Contact: Caddie Putnam Rankin, Ph.D., Acting Chair Business Management Department, Post-Graduate Partnerships Advisor, cputnamrankin2@washcoll.edu
Partnership with the College of William & Mary School of Business
Launched in 2015, Washington College’s partnership with William & Mary’s School of
Business enables WC students to earn a Master of Arts in accounting with the potential
for a $10,000 scholarship. WC graduates can apply for free, and if their GPA is 3.25
or higher, their GMAT requirement is waived. If the student is one of the top three
WC applicants, and not a Virginia resident, he or she can receive a $10,000 tuition
Partnership with Loyola University Maryland Emerging Leaders MBA (ELMBA) and Master
of Accounting (MAcc)
Loyola University Maryland Emerging Leaders MBA Fast Track
Washington College students are eligible to apply for fast-track admissions to the
Loyola ELMBA program after completion of their junior year.
The fast-track policy streamlines the admissions process for students with minimum 3.0 GPA overall and for all major courses taken. Completion of MAT 135 Finite Mathematics, MAT 110 Precalculus, or BUS 109 Managerial Statistics is recommended but not required. Loyola will waive the application fee, GMAT/GRE requirement, essay, and one letter of recommendation. Accepted students who apply by the priority deadline outlined on the Washington College Fast Track website will be guaranteed priority consideration for merit award scholarships specifically earmarked for Washington College Fast Track applicants.
Loyola University Maryland Master of Accounting Fast Track
Washington College students are eligible to apply for fast-track admission to the
Loyola MAcc program after completion of their junior year.
The fast-track policy streamlines the admission process for students who have declared
a minor or concentration in accounting. The program requires a minimum 3.0 GPA overall
and for all accounting courses taken. Loyola will waive the application fee, GMAT/GRE
requirement, essay, and letter of recommendation. Accepted students who apply by the
priority deadline outlined on the Washington College Fast Track website will be guaranteed
priority consideration for merit award scholarships specifically earmarked for Washington
College Fast Track applicants.
Learn more details
Partnership with the University of Maryland Smith School of Business
Launched in 2022, Washington College’s partnership with University of Maryland’s School
of Business enables WC students to earn a Master of Finance (MFin) or Master of Quantitative
Finance (MQF) under the Maryland Advantage program. Qualifying WC graduates with a
GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible for a scholarship award, a GMAT waiver, priority
admissions decision, a career coaching session, and an application fee waiver.
Learn more details
Master of Finance — http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/business-masters/academics/finance
Master of Quantitative Finance — http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/programs/business-masters/academics/quantitative-finance
Partnership with Wake Forest University School of Business
Washington College partners with Wake Forest University’s School of Business for students
who want to pursue a master’s degree in management. This program is for students who
are considering a career in management, or possibly a future MBA. Students who have
a business minor or who have majored in another subject (not business management)
may apply.
Under the agreement, Wake Forest will waive the application fee and essay. WC students with a GPA of 3.3 to 3.39 can receive a $5,000 scholarship, 3.4 to 3.599, $10,000, and those with GPAs of 3.6 or higher can receive $15,000. Wake Forest may also boost the scholarships based on a student’s demonstrated leadership ability, internships, extracurricular activities, and other examples of potential academic and professional success.
Emerging Media
Contact: Meghan Grosse, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Program Director, Post-Graduate Partnerships Advisor for Emerging Media, mgrosse2@washcoll.edu
Partnership with Loyola University College of Arts and Sciences
The Loyola University Maryland M.A. in Emerging Media puts students directly at the intersection of media, technology, and career enhancement. The program trains students in content creation, global social media communication, strategic communication, user experience, social network analysis, and more, ensuring students are leaders in the strategic curation and usage of cutting-edge media platforms. Washington College students with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply for fast-track admission. Fast-track policy provides guaranteed consideration for admission regardless of major and waives the application fee, resume, and required letters of recommendation. Accepted students will receive a 15% tuition discount.
Medicine & Dentistry
Contact: Libby Yost, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, Director of Pre-Health,
Partnership with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Medical & Dental
As a partner school with LECOM’s Early Acceptance Program, incoming Washington College
and current Washington College students with 65 or fewer undergraduate credits may
apply to LECOM’s dental or osteopathic medical schools through their Early Acceptance
Program (EAP). Eligibility is based on either high school GPA and SAT or ACT scores
or undergraduate GPA, depending on how many undergraduate credits the student has
accumulated. Students applying to the EAP for LECOM’s osteopathic medical school may
also be exempted from taking the MCAT if they meet certain academic criteria. Final
selections for the program are determined by an interview with LECOM. Successful applicants
receive a provisional acceptance from LECOM for enrollment at the conclusion of their
undergraduate studies at Washington College. Students interested in this program must
major in a physical science.
Contact: Tia Murphy, Ph.D., Chair Psychology Department, Pre-Nursing Program Advisor, tmurphy2@washcoll.edu
Partnership with School of Nursing at John Hopkins University
Students who have majored in a non-nursing discipline and decide to pursue nursing
after they complete their undergraduate degree can complete a Master of Science in
nursing at Johns Hopkins in five semesters. They are then prepared to take the nursing
licensing exam to become an RN—or to continue studies toward an advanced degree.
Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 and have completed several specific courses with a B or better for admission. Johns Hopkins will provide Washington College with an advisor to meet with interested WC students to help them during the admissions process, and scholarships and financial aid are available. This program emphasizes leadership and inclusivity within the humanities, creating an excellent choice for students who take an interest in nursing later on in their undergraduate career.